Hey you, Westerner!
Don't call me East Indian. Just because you're in the western part of the world, you don't start prefixing every country with an "East", do you? You don't call the Chinese, East Chinese, or the British, East British, do you? So don't call me East Indian. You might probably call people from the eastern part of India, East Indian, but we don't insist on it. So don't call me East Indian. Not because I mind being mistaken for someone from the eastern part of India, but for the fact that there is no such country as East India. It's okay to call people from West Indies, West Indian, because West is part of the name of their country. However, I am from India; the country being India. It's been a long time since the East India Company left my country. So address me as an Indian. It's not my problem if you have to be politically correct. Call the Native Indians in your country as Canadian Indians or American Indians. My country has been in existence for a lot more years than yours. So we are the original Indians. And you better just accept that fact. I'm sure if you were Canadian, you'd have a problem if I only called you North American, wouldn't you? Or how about if you were American and I called you South Canadian? I have blood that boils too. So don't call me East Indian. Or I'll start calling you names that would be far worse than just being politically incorrect.