Have you jumped on the “band”wagon?
Disclaimer: I do not know Dr. Pissed. He is neither a sworn enemy nor am I his jilted lover. I only know him as a mere blogger, albeit very pissed off, whose blog I happened to chance upon. I am also not to be held responsible for grammatical errors in this post.
This post is a direct result of this post on Dr. Pissed’s blog. It’s regarding wristbands – the ones made famous by Make Poverty History, Livestrong etc. Dr. Pissed writes “Now, dont get me wrong. But I think all you dimwits out there who go and purchase the god damm band from a local shop or two are just fooling yourself into believing that you are cool. Sporting a genuine one also aint cool anymore.” He’s not alone in his opinion. Many people I know plus a couple of his readers also agree with him. Maybe some of you might also be inclined to agree with him after reading his post. But you guys are completely missing the point.
Dr. Pissed states “Cause its not supposed to fucking be cool. Its not supposed to have any other significance than to indicate to the world that you are genuinely concerned about the millions of people who die due to cancer every year and are trying your best in your little way to help fight it. And if any of you reading this can consciously say that you know more than 5 people who own a band and are really bothered about the whole thing and didnt actually purchase it cause it was such a craze, I'd like for them to go visit Curie Center of Oncology or Kidwai or something if they are in Bangalore and see how they can help. Else, tell them to tear it off their arms cause its defeating the purpose.”
Here's a comment he makes in the comments-section – “My friend and I were totally trippin on this guy on the way back just a few days ago. He had a band on his hand and he was one of those cool buggers with lots of money and all and we kept asking him whats the deal with the band like we didnt know. He said he was wearing it cause he could hang his keychain on it. ***bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep***.”

Does it really matter what the people wearing these bands think of the cause??? A statistic on the Make Poverty History website states that “In 2005 8 million people wore the white band.” Now, let’s assume each band costs US $1.00. (I’m aware that some organizations charge slightly different prices. But I like to make the math easy.) That works out to US $8 million! And that’s where lies the answer. It doesn’t matter what these people think about the cause. The important thing is that their money goes towards the cause. (And this number is for the white band alone!!!)
Who cares if those cool dudes buy the bands for hanging their key-chains? At least they're buying it. And guess who’s idea it is that you can use the band as a key-chain? I remember an ad I watched on one of these websites that showed different ways in which one could sport the band. And here’s what you’ll find at the Canadian Make Poverty History site:
Wearing the White Band in 2005 is about sending a message that you want to end poverty. And that you are part of a unique worldwide effort in 2005 to do just that. Wear it anyhow, anywhere. Just wear it:
- Around your wrist or arm
- As a hair band
- Around your rear view mirror
- Through the laces in your shoes
- Around the straps of your handbag
- As a lapel ribbon
- On your key ring
- Even on pet collars
I’m glad that wearing these bands is considered cool. And I hope it’s a fad that lasts long. I’m sure the organizations had hoped it became a fad too. Why else would they create bands? Why not something else? Bands are portable, can be worn both by males and females without looking “odd”, and can be easily showed-off! Bulls-eye. Three cheers to whoever came up with this brilliant idea. What’s more is that wearing these bands is like promoting the cause. So even if there’s a person wearing the band who doesn’t care, there is going to be someone who sees that band, will enquire about it and just might care. So to all these cool people wearing these cool bands, thanks for spreading the word!
So, why did I choose to write about this now, so late into the whole wristband faddism?
For one, I came across that post. And I thought to myself – Yes, this is just his opinion that is probably shared by some others too. I could just ignore it. But I realized that this opinion is not helping the cause. In wanting to tell off the people who don’t seem to genuinely care about the cause, popularizing this opinion is what will actually defeat the purpose. Because people are easily influenced. It’s not the cool people I’m worried about. They’re going to do what they please regardless of what you and I think. However, the un-cool people, which (let’s face it) is the majority, will start thinking twice. The cool people will go out and buy the band and wear it. The un-cool people may want to buy the band too but will begin to wonder, “I know people who think it’s lame that people just sport these bands without really caring about these causes. What if they think I’m lame too? How will they know if I support the cause or not?” And I don’t think it’s going to help the egos of these already un-cool people in any way to be thought of as even more lame. What happens if these people don’t go out and buy these bands? That’s millions of dollars towards the cause lost!
Secondly, I believe that there will be many more efforts like this in the future. When the band-fad fades, they’ll have to think of another product to catch the fancy of the public. This is why I wrote this post. For all the un-cool people who have become conscious by the negativity starting to surround these bands and similar products, I have just one thing to say – “Please buy the band and go hide it in the deepest, darkest corner of your room so nobody can find it. This way you help the cause and you won’t be considered lame by the people who might consider you lame.”
As for the issue of fake, duplicate bands, there’s nothing we can do about it. That's life. It’s sad that there are those who want to make money off the misery of others, but hey, that’s what newspapers do too! Anyway, we can’t just stop buying the bands. We must try to avoid buying the bands at questionable locations, and should either use the websites or stores designated by these organizations. Shame on those who make these fake bands. As for those of us who buy them – if we do so unknowingly, then it’s rather unfortunate, but if we do so knowingly, then shame on us too. (But then again, how many of us have not purchased pirated movie DVDs or downloaded music off the Net?!?)
I’m ending this post with a picture. I’m not sure if this person is a he or a she. So, forgive my blatant stereotyping, but I’m going to assume the person is a she because there are way too many wristbands worn for the person to be male.

And honestly, I think that’s very cool.
Hi Ms. V, remember me?
Came here via Dr.Pissed, dont mean to leave a negative comment but you are mistaken in most of your observations.
The most glaring error is that every idiotic band that "girl" purchased has contributed towards a good cause. Sorry Miss, but a good half that money went to China, a little to other South-East Asian countries and that one yellow LIVESTRONG band has raised 50 cents for cancer research (the saving grace).
Feeling bad? Dont worry, there are deserving souls in China sweat shops churning out those worthless bands. And you are paying for their livelihood. Its a good thing really ... unless you actually apply any thought at all.
well this seems like a compliacted and a sensitive sitaution. i think there are two types of people.. well some like Ms v and some like dr pissed.. and i really dont understand which side to take. some of the points dr pissed said was indeed rite and ms V points too are true.
personally i think it shidnt be forced either way. if u dont wanna buy it.. dont! and if u think its cool buy it. well it doesnt matter where the money goes as long it benefits people and atleast somr of it is used for good cause.
we cant talk abt piracy of these bands coz knowingly .. unknowingly all of us r pirates in some way.
I agree with Alok .. that this is complicated.... and very few guys have the time to go out and do their own research for finding out which band is made where.. and where is the money cycled and how...
But whatever it is.. I am definitely encouraged to buy an 'original' Band after reading this...
Well, if many of us look for shoes and swim trunks with ORIGINAL Nike brand-tags.. then why not do some justice for this thing?
BTW : nice title... :)
I support Ms. V... and am wearing a psychedelic band for this cause...
oooh.. pretty...
band karo yeh atyachaar!
Sabhash, seriyana potti !!!
Random Access
The search has just begun !!!
Why all the fuss about a band and its intentions ? I think as Ms V said , that it was indeed a brilliant marketing strategy to generate cash . It serves a good purpose {hopefully} and also gives you something in return which you like for less .
Nice article. But I'm always confused with the conflicting reports that say poor people need love and caring(and not just money) on one hand and your arguement on the other.
It's just a hhhhmmmm... for the moment.
I havent even read your post yet and I totally love it when people think what I say is important enough to have a counter view about, but just so that you know that I aint coming from nowhere, here's a direct copy/paste of an email i sent to the LiveStrong foundation long ago, a screenshot of which I am willing to send to you if you would want to see it as well.
As of now though, I have a shoot to finish which has been on for 4 days now.
Thank you for your interest in and support of the Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF), where our mission is to inspire and empower people affected by cancer.
Counterfeit wristbands are, as you point out, a problem for us. Fortunately, the problem is small when compared to the number of wristbands we have sold to benefit cancer survivors; however, we do not take the issue lightly. We are working with various law enforcement officials regarding the manufacture and sales of counterfeit wristbands and have pressed charges when and where appropriate. Currently, legitimate wristbands are only available for purchase at the LIVESTRONG™ store at www.livestrong.org or in NIKE Town stores and outlets around the world. Also, the official wristbands are produced in China, so the “Made in China” mark would not necessarily distinguish between a real and counterfeit band.
I hope this helps answer your question. Thank you again for your support.
If they liked it, they wouldnt be "doing" something about it. Anyways, i'll read up soon enough.
Phew, back from wherever I was and having read all that you have typed, with brilliant imagery to go along, all i have to say is that you've got it all wrong miss.
Ok, maybe not all of it, but most of it. Now, like my good friend Alice pointed out, I have absolutely no (tempted to use profanity - insert f word if necessary) problem with the people buying genuine bands. Its the cool people or uncool people who buy the FAKE bands that I am bothered about. Now, I dont care if you like it or not, but I really doubt more than ¼ of the people owning bands in India, own a genuine band.
Now lets look at the facts and figures as stated by you. Considering that the band costs just $1 and can be purchased online from their website and shipped to most countries around the world, do you really think many of us, back here in India, are going to take the trouble when the same band, worn for the same reason, but produced by someone in some part of the world just to benefit from the "cause" for personal gain, is really adding value to the ingenuine idea of some brilliant marketing strategists to achieve his/her goal of generating money to fight cancer?
What if all those 11 bands worn by that girl in the last image are all fake bands purchased on Brigade Road for 20 bucks each. Thats 220 Rupees gone to some dickwart who has no REAL reason to benefit from something that he has NOTHING to do with or for.
Its just a cause lost, cause the money aint going anywhere. But straight into someone elses pocket. So forgive me for not buttering your toast, but cool or un-cool people buying fake bands is totally lame and I just dont approve of it. I'd rather this "fad" never took off at all, than have lame ass people benefiting from it.
DISCLAIMER: I am totally responsible for all grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and whatever the god damm problems you or anyone would have with my writing skills. But honestly, I doubt I'd care.
very interesting discussion here and am glad you infact came up with a counter.
the fact is that there ARE people who wear the bands for style, not knowing the "cause"; and there ARE fake products making money.
but thats just the sad fact, just as there are fakers and ignorant people in every stream of life.
like ms.v said, we cannot stop our life because of them. the bands are made with good intention, and there lies the key. atleast all of us can buy and wear the bands with the right spirit.
p.s - the last pic is a guys arm - can make it out from the physique as well as the hair :)
C'mon Vids, the person in the pic must be a guy. LOOK at those hands.. :p
And pray where have your twin "Make Poverty History" bands disappeared off to?
I have nothing to say about those wristbands thingies, so I'll just say Hullo!
Are you aware that Canada is now uber cool in music circles? And I'm not talking about Mr "I want to be your underwear". There are a few bands that are really interesting: Wolf Parade, and the Arcade Fire.
It's gotten to the point where there's a record company is the US called Secretly Canadian!
Thank you Yohan... I've always had a secret fear that i don't find Canada and Canadian music cool enough...
I remain,
Secretly Impressed.
(and don't say "Anonymous Morons"!)
Shall I say AnonyMice?
wouldn't you prefer "Spotted Dick"?
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Now now Tawakley, Madhu Mohan isn't here. Let's not give people the wrong impression.
So were you the anonymous person?
ya.. i was "Secretly Impressed"...
oye - kithe gayi tuh?
Hello, clone of captain bad...
Why not just donate money and stop collecting more plastic?
way too many perspectives to allow for any absolutes. Eventually we all agree without quite knowing it. In this our shifting earth of shaky realities, only one thing is certain: the 'she' of eleven wristband fame has Hairy Wristosis, for which there is no cure and no band. So prejudices withstanding, I'd have to say 'Man ahoy!'
Bottom line- if the genuine band is being purchased, you are helping/contributing towards the cause. And thats whats important
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