Thursday, May 19, 2005

A Detective's Life

So there came a time when I was asked to attempt to write a poem on detectives or detective fiction, since it's something that we don't read a lot of poems about. The over-enthusiastic person that I am, when it comes to writing, gave it two ‘gos’. It’s not spectacular, but hey, I gave it a shot! Here’s the first one:

A Detective's Life

“He did it", says she.
"But she did it", he said.
Such are the confusing thoughts,
Running through a detective's head

Be it Holmes or Piorot,
There is no doubt,
Things would be so much easier,
If the truth be told from the victim's mouth.

Alas, dead as a duck,
With a hole in the chest,
Mr. Morrison can say nothing.
One lone bullet to aid this quest.

Is it the butler or the wife?
A lover? Or a robber?
When? Why? How? Who?
Upto the detective to discover.

“To keep warm during winters,
Use a pair of gloves”, says mom.
A criminal's greatest accomplice,
Who knew it would become?

But wait, what's that?
A strand of hair, it seems,
Slightly gray, slightly curly.
Looking at it, the detective beams.

"Thank you", says everyone.
"We'd have never guessed it was the wife!"
TRRRING!!! "We need you on 5th Avenue."
And thus goes on, a detective's life.


At April 26, 2007 2:52 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work »


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